Ms. Namutebi Sarah Alibeera - Head of Department
This department focuses on contributing to the improvement of the health care services for the people in the municipality so as to lead a socially and economic productive life, which is carried out within the framework of the national health policy whose overall objective is to reduce mortality, morbidity and the disparities therein.
Makindye Ssabagabo has one Health Sub District of Kyadondo South. The municipality has a total of six government aided health facilities, five of which are purely government with the other being a Private Not for Profit (PNFPs) facility. These include;
- Ndejje Health Centre IV
- Mutungo Health Centre II
- Bunamwaya Health Centre II
- Seguku Health Centre II
- Mutundwe Health Centre II
- Magadalene Health Centre III (PNFP)
A good percentage of the municipality population is within an average of 5km reach of these facilities. Nonetheless, there is a reasonable number of Private for Profit Health facilities spread all over the municipality. The municipality also has 110 trained Village Health Teams in the basic package (with at least two per village) and about 55 ICCM trained VHTs-55.
In the Financial Year 2019/2020, through both central government financing under PHC and revenue sources the department was able to plan budget and implement several activities and among the key achievements towards the support to health services delivery were recorded especially in health facility infrastructural development and rehabilitation, this was due to the increasing demand for health care services at all Public health facilities.
Among the achievements to this increasing demand included;
- Renovation of the Maternity Ward at Ndejje HC IV.
- Renovation of the Out Patient Ward at Ndejje HC IV.
- Construction of the Gate House with a Pedestrian Section and repair of the Chain Link,
- Supply and delivery of Medical Equipment, a Diathermy/Electrosurgical Unit Machine with Bipolar and Monopolar, Valley Lab Force FX and a complete set of Dental Chair for Ndejje HC IV.
- Supply and installation of four Units of Air Conditioners at Ndejje HC IV.
- Supply and Installation of Solar Power Back Up at Ndejje HC IV.
- Construction of Placenta Pit at Seguku HC II, Ramp and Installation of Lightening Arrestor at Mutungo HC II and Plumbing of Doctor's House at Ndejje HC.
Other sector achievements include;
- The department finally secured services for both management of Medical and Solid waste and arrangements to engage the former with communities is under way.
- Secured and successfully distributed items to promote WASH and SOPs in the fight against the COVID-19 Pandemic to health facilities and Communities items included; Hand washing Facilities, Face Masks, Hand sanitizers and Medicated Soap.
- Carried out rapid response activities through the COVID-19 response and task force teams and successfully addressed all emergencies.
- Successfully carried out testing and follow-up of contacts suspected of COVID-19 through the Municipal Response team.
- Conducted Family Planning outreaches, PIT meetings and support to VHT activities under external financing from JHPIEGO-TCI.
- Successfully conducted all quarterly supervisions of health facilities from level II to IV to support lower level health facilities.
Key sector Challenges
Health Services delivery:
- Staffing in key health positions in all our health facilities creating a recruitment demand.
- High demand for health services both internally and from the growing external populations outside the municipality creating need to upgrade our facilities to levels able to meet the quality of health services required.
- Demand for more renovation works in lower level health facilities.
- Need for construction of a surgical ward at Ndejje HC IV to improve service delivery.
- Status of land ownership for all our health center facilities and the need for fencing facility premises need to expedited.
- Lack of sufficient staff quarters, this made life difficult for health workers during the times of lock-down. It was also very expensive to transport healthcare workers.
- Emerging diseases like Covid-19 that put the lives of health workers at risk.
- Lack of sufficient personal protective equipment.
Public Health:
- Growing need to acquire land for integrated management of municipal solid waste.
- Rising concern in sanitation and safe water coverage at house hold level.
- Transition from former rural sanitation to urban sanitation that requires a shift from pit latrines to water borne systems due to lack of a municipal sewer system.
- Increasing environmental pollution from poor waste disposal practices; like crude dumping in wetlands, drainage lines, open waste burning.
- Trade order especially with roadside food vendors, clearance of makeshift stalls and maintenance of road reserves and business frontages clean.
- Pour housing conditions and congested developments due to poor physical planning and enforcement of development control.
Key sector way forwards:
The sector is looking forward to;
- Strengthen support supervision of all health facilities.
- Strengthen our donor partnerships and lobby for more support from donor agencies to improve health services delivery.
- Priotise on improving funding to the health sector with support from our revenue resource envelope
- Strengthen community awareness campaigns on public health demands and enforcement of Public health laws and regulations.
- Strengthen routine community inspection on key hygiene and sanitation requirements.
- Budget for procurement of land for Solid waste management.
- Support to communal cleaning campaigns and invite more stakeholders to participate in keep clean campaigns for our municipality