Rewards and Sanctions Ceremony

On Tuesday 16th-03-2021, despite an afternoon downpour, Makindye Ssabagabo Municipal Council held the first ever Rewards and Sanctions Ceremony at the municipal headquarters that rewarded Health Care Workers, Partners and Stakeholders. The emphasis was directed towards the Health Care department in recognition of their service to the people of Makindye Ssabagabo Municipality especially with cognition of the Covid-19 pandemic that they've been at the forefront of fighting. The ceremony was graced with the presence of His Worship The Mayor - Lumbye Gerald Nsubuga & his deputy - Vicent Kaweere, Ndejje Division LC3 Chairman Sulaiman Ssejengo, the Town Clerk - Mr. Kimbowa Joseph & his lieutenant - Mr. Henry Ssemakula, Heads of Departments, representatives from partner organizations like The Challenge Iniitiative – Jhpiego (Family Planning), Mild May, Bulamu Healthcare, Defeat TB, Infectious Disease Institute, Medical Research Council, Reproductive Health, Maries Stopes, Rotary Club-Kigo etc. According to Mr. Ssemakula, the deputy town clerk and chair to the ceremony, the next Rewards and Sanctions Ceremony is slated for December 2021. Here’s the list of the rewarded/winners; Mutungo Health Center II - Best Health Centre II Bunya Fred - Best Health Support Staff Namala Rehema - Best VHT Mutyaba Hawah - Best Midwifery Staff Mukiibi John - Best Clinical Officer Kizito Robert - Best Health Inspector Tigalana Fidah - Best Nursing Staff Sadat Moses - Best Laboratory Staff Mubiru Brian - Best Male Doctor in fighting Covid-19 Namutebi Sarah Alibela – Best Female Doctor in fighting Covid-19